

Family and Internal Medicine Practice, HRT Pellet Placement & Weight Loss Specialists & Allergy Testing offered in Las Vegas, NV


Your wellness requires your active participation. At A-P Medical Group in Las Vegas, Nevada, Emeka Iroha, MD, focuses on helping patients take a more proactive approach to their own health care plan, providing support and guidance that aids in their pursuit of wellness. For patient-centered and personalized wellness care, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Wellness Q & A

What is wellness?

Wellness is the pursuit of good health that benefits your physical, emotional, and social well-being. Your wellness is more than just being free from disease and illness, it’s the active engagement in activities that make you feel better and prevent disease.

A-P Medical Group is a primary care and family care practice dedicated to keeping the community they serve healthy. They provide comprehensive care for adolescents and adults and offer wellness care so they can help their patients pursue a lifestyle that benefits every aspect of their well-being. 


What are the elements of wellness?

Wellness is holistic and focuses on improving all factors that influence your total health. Elements of wellness include:

Physical health

In order to maintain good physical health, you need to treat your body well with good nutrition, regular exercise, and an adequate amount of sleep.


Mental health

Mental health affects your physical, social, and emotional well-being. A-P Medical Group provides mental health support that lifts your mood, energy levels, and quality of life. 


Emotional health

Your emotional health is the ability to understand and express how you feel, as well as accept the feelings of others. 


Spiritual health

Spiritual health is finding meaning and purpose in your life. 


Social well-being

Forming a connection with others is important for social well-being.


All of these elements, along with the environment you live in, play a role in your overall health and wellness. 


What are some of the wellness services?

A-P Medical Group manages general health as well as common medical conditions. Some of the wellness services they offer include:


Physicals are an important part of every visit to A-P Medical Group. Your provider uses the information they gather during a physical exam to understand your current level of health so they can create an effective treatment plan.


Weight loss

Your weight affects your physical, social, and emotional well-being. A-P Medical Group provides professional help with weight loss so you can reach your goals and stay there.


Intravenous (IV) therapy

To support your pursuit of wellness, A-P Medical Group offers IV therapy, administering fluids and nutrients directly into your body for improved physical and mental health. 


Hormone therapy 

Hormone fluctuations can influence your mood and cause health concerns that prevent you from living life to the fullest. Hormone therapy can restore your body to full wellness. 


Call A-P Medical Group or schedule your wellness care appointment online today.